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I’m Not A Photographer. Can I Have A Photologo Done?

Let your brand leave a positive and lasting impression with your audience by investing in a well-made logo. Photologo is all about creating high-quality logos that fully represent your artistic style.

So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.

5 Branding Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

Let your brand leave a positive and lasting impression with your audience by investing in a well-made logo. Photologo is all about creating high-quality logos that fully represent your artistic style.

So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.

Creating a Macro-photography setting with Thierry Kuba

Alex de Haan, is a talented 41 years old Photologo Community member living in a small village called Bitgum in the Netherlands. He shares his signed works on the social networks, collecting important feedback and often enthusiastic reactions.

Photologo Spotlight: Are all cameras good to chase birds? A talk with Alex de Haan

Alex de Haan, is a talented 41 years old Photologo Community member living in a small village called Bitgum in the Netherlands. He shares his signed works on the social networks, collecting important feedback and often enthusiastic reactions.

Photologo Spotlight: Wim Zandee takes photos inspired by the work of the Dutch painters

Meet Zandee, a photographer who makes images inspired by 16th-century painters, before cameras were ever invented.

So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.

How to Use the Power of Storytelling to Become a Better Photographer (and sell more)

If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.

Homebound? NOW is the perfect time to focus on your Photography brand

If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.

Stuck at home? How to Use This Time to Improve your Photography

If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.

Blueprint to Success: How to Craft A Strong Photography Business Plan

If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.

How to create a good composite, by Alex Stuart

Alex Stuart is a 26 year old freelance videographer/photographer from New Zealand. He is currently living in Christchurch in the South Island which is an awesome spot for outdoor adventures/ landscape photography. His links are @alexstuartnz on Instagram and @asmedianz on Facebook. I changed my life, starting from scratch I first picked up a camera […]
