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Let your brand leave a positive and lasting impression with your audience by investing in a well-made logo. Photologo is all about creating high-quality logos that fully represent your artistic style.

So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.

不惜一切代价避免的 5 个品牌错误

Let your brand leave a positive and lasting impression with your audience by investing in a well-made logo. Photologo is all about creating high-quality logos that fully represent your artistic style.

So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.

与蒂埃里·库巴 (Thierry Kuba) 一起创建微距摄影场景

Alex de Haan 是一位才华横溢的 41 岁 Photologo 社区成员,居住在荷兰一个名为 Bitgum 的小村庄。他在社交网络上分享他的签名作品,收集重要的反馈和热烈的反应。

Photologo 聚焦:所有相机都适合追鸟吗?与亚历克斯·德·哈恩的谈话

Alex de Haan 是一位才华横溢的 41 岁 Photologo 社区成员,居住在荷兰一个名为 Bitgum 的小村庄。他在社交网络上分享他的签名作品,收集重要的反馈和热烈的反应。

照片徽标聚焦:Wim Zandee 的照片灵感来自荷兰画家的作品

Meet Zandee, a photographer who makes images inspired by 16th-century painters, before cameras were ever invented.

So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.


If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.


If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.


If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.


If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.

如何创建良好的合成,作者:Alex Stuart

Alex Stuart 是一位来自新西兰的 26 岁自由摄影师/摄影师。他目前住在南岛的基督城,那里是户外探险/风景摄影的绝佳地点。他的链接是 Instagram 上的@alexstuartnz 和 Facebook 上的@asmedianz。我改变了我的生活,从头开始,我第一次拿起相机 […]
