Photologo Spotlight: Are all cameras good to chase birds? A talk with Alex de Haan

Alex de Haan, is a talented 41 years old Photologo Community member living in a small village called Bitgum in the Netherlands. He shares his signed works on the social networks, collecting important feedback and often enthusiastic reactions.
Photologo Spotlight: Wim Zandee takes photos inspired by the work of the Dutch painters

Meet Zandee, a photographer who makes images inspired by 16th-century painters, before cameras were ever invented.
So when I saw Wim’s work in our Photologo Community Page, I just knew we had to get him in for an interview. Luckily, he agreed. So, we met on a sunny afternoon in Rome to have a fun chat about him and his Photography.
How to Use the Power of Storytelling to Become a Better Photographer (and sell more)

If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.
The Journey of a Mother

Mothers. They are strong, caring and they protect us every second, on every step we make, no matter where we are. They have always been great in sharing a special bond. As photographers, we create a bond with them, too. We have the honour and responsibility to capture the journey of a mother. We are […]
Emotional: How Larry used his Photologo to find solace after the tragic loss of his daughter.

“Having her thumbprint in the logo is a way for me to just remember. When I print a photo, I’ll think of my daughter” Larry’s world was torn upside down when his beautiful daughter Gwen had unexpectedly passed away. “Sometimes, I don’t even want to get up” he tells us as he describes the pain […]
Where Do I Place My Watermark

The picture has been taken, the edits have been made, and you’re feeling pretty confident with how you captured the image you saw in your head. But there’s one problem: you don’t know where to put your watermark. Your photographer’s eye may be trained in the rule of thirds and how to create the right […]
What’s in a Name? The History of the Signature and How it Can Change Your Photography Business

Your signature is as unique to you as your personality. You can make it cute and bubbly. You can make it big and boisterous. You can make it hard to read. Whenever you artistically write or aggressively scribble down your name, you are letting it’s recipient know exactly who you are.But well before you practiced […]
Tagged Historyinspiringphotographyphotologosignature logostorytelling