4 Tips to Boost your Wedding Photography Brand

The wedding season is officially here and it’s the perfect timing to give your brand that long-awaited boost! Probably 99% of you must be thinking: “How is it even possible to juggle between an insanely busy schedule and working on my branding?” Sounds crazy? Bear with me.Your brand starts with a beautifully designed logo but it doesn’t end […]
Understanding Copyright Infringement And How To Protect Your Work

Photo theft, or as it’s legally known, copyright infringement, is an ongoing issue – that’s why I want to talk about how we can prevent it from happening… I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how the internet has contributed to the photographic industry. For many in the Photologo community, including myself, it has opened […]
The Ultimate App Guide for Photographers

When it comes to photography, nothing can beat professional equipment. However, smartphones continuously revolutionise photographers’ workflows. Personally, I couldn’t give up lots of cool apps that have made my planning, shooting and editing so much easier. With the right apps, your phone can become your best photography assistant! From location scouting to shooting techniques, to […]
Pinterest Tips to Take Your Photography Business to the Next Level

In 2018, it’s a no brainer that you should be using any and all forms of social media to promote your personal brand and your business. With that said, there’s a powerful platform that gets lost in the conversation–especially in the realm of photography: Pinterest. Facebook makes sense because of it’s powerful use of advertising […]
Here’s 5 Tips To Win Photography Clients

Technology is pretty crazy, isn’t it? 20 years ago computers, cameras, phones, and TVs were all found in different sections of the store. In 2018, we can hold all of these devices in the palm of our hand. Our smartphones are the all-inclusive package in a technological world that is changing even as you read […]
Watermarking Your Work: Use It Or Lose It

The Significance of a Signature. Let’s face it – we’re not all art buffs. Most of us can’t tell a Da Vinci from a Michaelangelo. Fortunately, there’s a very easy and reliable way to tell who created a piece of art: just look for their signature. Every artist – from the ancient Italian greats to […]
Tagged Educationalphotologoprofessionalsignature logowatermark