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Iceland and West America from the eyes of Amir Shuja – Photologo Spotlight

Amir Shuja is a Photologo Community member currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. He was born and raised in Pakistan and moved to USA about 25 years ago. He’s a full time doctor but 15 years ago discovered a great passion for landscape photography.

Meeting the humpback whales with Terry Enlow – Photologo Spotlight

Having been blessed to actually live life, my logo had to match that emotion. A proper logo was required to make sure it matched my passion. Photologo was the perfect and only choice for me to capture that feeling and I proudly watermark all my photos with the logo that was specifically designed with my input.

Photographing abandoned places and architectures with Pascal Bonin – Photologo Spotlight

Abandoned places have a unique power of fascination. They still conserve the ability to tell the stories of people who lived there, the echoes of their lives.

How Don Davies developed a recognizable style and personal brand – Photologo Spotlight

I feel that my most improved quality is patience. When I was starting out in photography I would just shoot, shoot, and shoot and just thinkthinking I can fix that in post processing. Now I am more patient, making sure that everything is set properly, the light is in the right position, the hair and makeup is flawless. All these are important if you want to have the perfect shot.

The importance of a good Photography Business Card

Photography business cards still have their place in the world. As social handles and websites have become commonplace, business cards continue to bring with them a sense of sophistication, especially when made with care and quality in mind. Why Photography Business Cards Are Important If you’re building your brand and client base, then you’re going […]

The 7 Essentials To Starting Your Photography Business

Deciding to turn your passion for photography into a business is an exciting time. Firstly, it’s a sign you’re confident in your abilities. And secondly, it means you can earn money from doing something you love. But getting started can feel overwhelming. And because many photographers don’t prepare themselves properly, their business fails soon after […]

How to become a confident photographer

A lack of confidence is, without a doubt, the most common barrier to people finding success in photography. That crippling thought process of “I’m not good enough” becomes so destructive that photographers never reach their full potential. If that sounds like you, we want to put an end to it and help you become a […]
