Our latest PHOTO-CONTEST has played out on the Photologo Facebook page and group on the first week of February! The response has been even greater than the last time. Hundreds of members of the Photologo community have shared their best shots and their love for photography with us and other artists. This time, we also launched a call for videos and it has been amazing to watch your enthusiasm telling how Photologo helped to build your identity and brand as photographers. Knowing that we built such a strong relationship among our community is a big reason for us to celebrate and say “thank you” to all of you!
Now, for this contest, we asked people to show us their best shot and we got landscapes, wildlife, portraits, candid shots, you name it…so many amazing photos! The first 10 entries won a free product (an Animated Photologo, or a copy of Photopolish, our watermarking tool) and the best 5 shots are featured in our “Artist spotlight” blog section and our Facebook page.
It’s always very difficult for our team to narrow it down to the Top 5. However, the wait is finally over and we can share with you the winners of this PHOTO-CONTEST!
Getting Your Signature Logo:
Hiring a calligrapher: once a pricey option (think $500+), can now be yours for just $39! Get yours crafted by a pro calligrapher in 2-3 days. Below are some examples from our studio. Click here to get your unique Signature Logo.

Are you ready to get to know these five amazing photographers?
Artist: John Gartman
Title: Nicholas Canyon Beach
Artist’s comment: This picture was taken right after the fires and big rainfall in Malibu. It was unusual to be the only one on the beach on this beautiful evening. I captured this as I was leaving and the light started to change with my Canon 5Dm4.
See more of John’s work here
Artist: Richard Gregory
Title: It’s up to us
Artist’s comment: The Zoos are doing a better job than they have in the past taking care of the animals. The perfect world would be animals being left in the wild. The majority of animals in the Zoo were bred in Zoos. In Africa we lose over 96 Elephants a day, along with big cats (100 a year), gorillas (300 or more a year), rhinos (3 a day over 1,000 a year) and giraffes etc. Many more animals are endangered and are on the brink of extinction. We can help the Zoos with their conservation efforts by being involved, this could include donations, supporting the Zoos by memberships or volunteering. My goal is for the pictures to show how magnificent these animals are and encourage others to get involved in saving God’s creatures. Hopefully, by people viewing my pictures of these majestic animals, they will see how incredible they are and accept that we need to do everything in our power to save them.
See more of Richard’s here
Artist: Seksan Simasanti
Title: New Year’s Celebrations
Artist’s comment: Capturing spectacular fireworks show during the first day of the year in Bangkok
See more of Seksan’s work here
Artist: Alex de Haan
Title: Sunrise at Leeuwarden
Artist’s comment: This photo was taken on a freezing cold morning just outside the city of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. There is a very nice nature reserve with a lot of water where i often go to to see the sun rise or set. The photo was taken on January 29th, using a Nikon D7500 with a sigma 10-20 mm.
See more of Alex’s work here
Artist: Ken Majeika
Title: TheEagle
Artist’s comment: Bald Eagle photographed on his way back to the nest from a nearby lake. Bradenton, Florida.
See more of Ken’s work here
How incredible are these shots and the stories behind them?
t has been such an absolute pleasure to know more about the selected pictures for this month’s PHOTO-CONTEST and the photographers behind them. We can’t help but we are already excited for our next contest. We are looking forward to getting to know more of you all and being blown away by your very best shots!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to always be kept in the loop on everything photography-related. Keep an eye out for the next post in our brand new Artist Spotlight section of the blog, many more talented artists will be featured soon!
Are you as in love with these Top 5 shots as we are? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Getting Your Signature Logo:
Hiring a calligrapher: once a pricey option (think $500+), can now be yours for just $39! Get yours crafted by a pro calligrapher in 2-3 days. Below are some examples from our studio. Click here to get your unique Signature Logo.