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Your style is just as important as style is for the fashion brands you shoot for.  It’s important you don’t forget the critical detail of defining your signature style, so you can stand out amongst the competition (and charge more!). A smart style-centric approach to your career as a fashion photographer can be a foundation […]



开展摄影业务的 7 个要点

决定将对摄影的热情转化为一项事业是一个激动人心的时刻。首先,这表明您对自己的能力充满信心。其次,这意味着你可以通过做你喜欢的事情来赚钱。但刚开始时可能会感到不知所措。由于许多摄影师没有做好适当的准备,他们的生意很快就失败了 [...]


If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.


If you plan on starting your own photography business – keep in mind that once you’ve entered this realm, you’re no longer just a photographer, you’re an entrepreneur. And in the recipe for entrepreneurial success, one key ingredient is a solid business plan.


毫无疑问,缺乏自信是人们在摄影领域取得成功的最常见障碍。 “我不够好”这种令人沮丧的思维过程变得如此具有破坏性,以至于摄影师永远无法充分发挥其潜力。如果这听起来像你,我们希望结束它并帮助你成为 [...]


我们很幸运能够为世界各地的摄影师设计定制的照片徽标。能够为您的作品集添加个性和专业精神的额外印记,会激励我们开展我们所做的工作。虽然我们收到的反馈是积极的,但潜在客户问我们的一个常见问题是“为什么 [...]

欧洲 10 个人迹罕至的景点,为您带来完美的摄影之旅

您是否想过请几天假,但同时又不知道去哪里?您是否正在寻找的不仅仅是您可能见过数百万次的典型主流地标?你内心的摄影师声音是否在告诉你要走一些不寻常的路?正如著名摄影师吉姆·理查森所说,“如果你 [...]

提升婚纱摄影品牌的 4 个秘诀

The wedding season is officially here and it’s the perfect timing to give your brand that long-awaited boost! Probably 99% of you must be thinking: “How is it even possible to juggle between an insanely busy schedule and working on my branding?” Sounds crazy? Bear with me.Your brand starts with a beautifully designed logo but […]


Mothers. They are strong, caring and they protect us every second, on every step we make, no matter where we are. They have always been great in sharing a special bond. As photographers, we create a bond with them, too. We have the honour and responsibility to capture the journey of a mother. We are […]