Nous avons tous entendu parler de la marque personnelle. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est exactement et à quoi ça sert ?
Voyons ce qu'il faut pour créer une marque personnelle puissante et indiscernable :
Libérez tout le potentiel de votre marque avec un logo signature
Embaucher un calligraphe : autrefois une option coûteuse (pensez au $500+), elle peut désormais être la vôtre pour seulement $49 ! Faites réaliser le vôtre par un calligraphe professionnel en 2-3 jours. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques exemples de notre studio. Cliquez ici pour obtenir votre logo signature unique.
Il importe plus qui vous êtes que ce que vous faites :
Il existe de nombreux entrepreneurs, conférenciers, spécialistes du marketing, entreprises ou conseillers financiers.
Ce qui distingue certains d'entre eux des autres, c'est leur capacité à mettre l'accent sur qui ils sont plutôt que sur ce qu'ils ont à offrir.
Gardez à l'esprit que les gens gravitent autour d'autres personnes. Même si vos services sont impeccables, si vous n'êtes pas vous-même, les clients potentiels et les clients s'en apercevront.
1. Your voice:
As it turns out, your voice is one of the most powerful tools you could use in order to build a unique personal brand. How you choose to express it is totally up to you. And it differs from one niche to another. Taking into account what is it that you do.
Si vous êtes musicien, votre voix s'exprime à travers la musique que vous créez.
Si vous êtes écrivain, votre voix s'exprime par l'écriture.
Si vous êtes mannequin, votre voix s'exprime à travers les yeux. (Ou quelque chose du genre)
Si vous êtes entrepreneur ou conférencier, votre voix s'exprime par… la voix
Tu obtiens le point. Votre voix est exprimée par tout ce que vous faites. Donc, si vous souhaitez créer une marque personnelle mémorable, vous n'avez pas besoin d'une grande voix. Vous n'avez même pas besoin d'une bonne voix. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d'utiliser votre propre voix et n'essayez pas d'être quelqu'un que vous n'êtes pas. Une voix unique, comme nous tous, est toujours mémorable.
2. Style
Depending on how you present yourself, is how people will view you at first glance. And when it comes to your small business, it’s all about how you style your establishment and products. Steve Jobs had a black turtleneck. This became his trademark. Apple has its logo and the stylish design which no other smartphone could adopt. Speaking of logos, if you’re looking for a professionally made PhotoLogo, feel free to check out their website. You can recognize an iPhone without its logo and you could associate a turtleneck which Steve Jobs without him even wearing it.
This is the power of creating a personal, unique style, that you love, and sticking with it. It is all about being in tune with who you are and in balance with your values. Maybe your style is to wear a bow tie all the time. Maybe it’s training pants and loose shirts. What makes you comfortable is for you. And what makes your business a part of your personality, is what you should aim for.
3. Manners
A part that is left out when building a personal brand are manners. Although, manners say more about you than the things you actually say. They are vital when creating strong connections with people. Think about the following. Do you have a strong or soft handshake? Do you maintain eye contact or do you quickly look elsewhere? Do you keep the door open for the one behind you? Do you swear in various circumstances or do you censor yourself? Do you look at the phone every 5 minutes or are you present with the person you are with? All such details contribute to your overall picture, and should not be forgotten.
4. Your circle of friends
You can learn a lot about a person when you meet their friends. The people you associate with have a greater impact than you think when it comes to your image and brand. You always hear in the news about an incident that happened with a certain celebrity. They did something wrong. Something that goes against moral values. And before you know it, the brand that they represented, decides to drop them.
A large part of the growth of the Personal Brand depends on the people you collaborate with, with whom you work and who finally receive your approval and time. You are the product of the 5 people you spend the most time with. For the simple reason of developing positively, pay attention to the people you give your time to.
5. Be consistent
Don’t let a single success define your personal brand. A single victory is not a long-term strategy. People are excited about a victory over a defined period of time. What do you do every day? What do you do every morning? How do you start your day at the office? How do you solve the problems that arise? What inspires you? How do you develop?
Nos habitudes sont ce qui nous construit en tant qu'êtres humains. Toutes les habitudes sont vitales pour créer une marque personnelle forte et significative. Si vous voulez que votre public, vos clients ou vos clients restent avec vous pendant longtemps, ne comptez pas sur une seule victoire. Tirez parti de vos anciennes habitudes et visez à adopter de nouvelles habitudes saines.
6. A men’s world
Whatever your goal for building your personal brand is, you need to realize that what makes you unique is based on you as a person. That means that whatever you say, you have to back it up. Don’t just talk the talk. You have to believe in what you say and see it through each time.
If you say you’re going to do something for your client. Do it. If you promise something, keep your promise. Your connection with the people who work with you comes down to honesty, integrity and loyalty. Keep your word, whatever it may be.
7. Embrace positivity
People are attracted to good vibes and an honest smile like you wouldn’t believe. Be positive and you’ll be sure that people will be more inclined to trust you and your services. Also, always keep your door open. And by that, we mean that you should always make time for a client, no matter the issue he’s facing. You’ll find out that if you lend your ear for a couple of minutes, you’ll gain trust.
8. Get online
Don’t let a single success define your personal brand. A single victory is not a long-term strategy. People are excited about a victory over a defined period of time. What do you do every day? What do you do every morning? How do you start your day at the office? How do you solve the problems that arise?
What inspires you? How do you develop? Our habits are what build us as human beings. All habits are vital when creating a strong and meaningful Personal Brand. If you want your audience, customers or clients to stay with you for a long time, don’t rely on a single victory. Build on your old habits and aim to adopt new, healthy habits.
9. Creating a Personal Brand is a lifestyle.
You must stick with your beliefs and if you’re true to yourself, other will see that and they will not hesitate to collaborate with you. We, as human beings, have a sixth sense when we see something fake. Be it a lie or even be it a false demeanor. You will have to embrace yourself, and don’t worry about what other people will say about you. Insecurities have no place when it comes to creating a personal brand. In conclusion, be yourself, work on your image and above all else work on yourself before you will start to work with others.
Libérez tout le potentiel de votre marque avec un logo signature
Embaucher un calligraphe : autrefois une option coûteuse (pensez au $500+), elle peut désormais être la vôtre pour seulement $49 ! Faites réaliser le vôtre par un calligraphe professionnel en 2-3 jours. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques exemples de notre studio. Cliquez ici pour obtenir votre logo signature unique.