您的签名就像您的个性一样独一无二。您可以让它变得可爱又活泼。您可以让它变得又大又热闹。您可以让它变得难以阅读。每当您以艺术的方式书写或粗略地写下您的名字时,您都会让收件人确切地知道您是谁。但在您练习之前 […]
Pinterest 技巧让您的摄影业务更上一层楼
在 2018 年,毫无疑问,你应该使用任何形式的社交媒体来推广你的个人品牌和业务。话虽如此,有一个强大的平台在谈话中被忽视了——尤其是在摄影领域:Pinterest。Facebook 之所以有意义,是因为它强大的广告利用能力 […]
赢得摄影客户的 5 个秘诀
技术真是太疯狂了,不是吗?20 年前,电脑、相机、手机和电视都摆放在商店的不同区域。2018 年,我们可以将所有这些设备握在手掌中。我们的智能手机是技术世界中包罗万象的套装,即使您阅读 […]
如何阻止 Instagram 上的人窃取您的作品
Creating the perfect photograph takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. First, you have to wait for the perfect amount of natural and artificial light. Then, you have to make sure the subjects–human or otherwise–cooperate to give you the shot you’re looking or. Finally, once you capture your exact vision, you have to sit […]
2018 年你需要重塑自己的 5 个迹象
With entrepreneurs becoming the new cool kids in ton, taking care of your personal brand is more important than ever. As the calendar rolled over to January 1st, you stepped into the new year with energy. Your goals were written.Your targets were set. You were ready to conquer the world. But rather than blindly sprinting into […]
为什么要在摄影作品上签名?(使用 Photologo®)如果你对艺术有所了解,你就会知道艺术家总是在作品上签名。画家、作家、摄影师——他们每个人都知道在作品上签名有多重要。否则,他们的观众怎么会知道是谁创作的呢?但还有另一个 […]
The Significance of a Signature. Let’s face it – we’re not all art buffs. Most of us can’t tell a Da Vinci from a Michaelangelo. Fortunately, there’s a very easy and reliable way to tell who created a piece of art: just look for their signature. Every artist – from the ancient Italian greats to […]
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