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التقط صورًا أفضل لمناظر المدينة باستخدام نصائح جون كاستيلو

John Rodenn Punzalan Castillo, is a young and talented member of the Photologo community. Born in 1986 in the Philippines, he is  currently a resident in Rome, Italy since 2006.  “I love photography” – he says – “I roam the streets of Rome, dedicating my time in finding places and interesting subjects to photograph. I […]

كيف تصبح مصورًا واثقًا

يعد انعدام الثقة، بلا شك، العائق الأكثر شيوعًا أمام الأشخاص الذين يحققون النجاح في التصوير الفوتوغرافي. إن عملية التفكير المعيقة هذه المتمثلة في "أنا لست جيدًا بما فيه الكفاية" تصبح مدمرة للغاية بحيث لا يصل المصورون أبدًا إلى إمكاناتهم الكاملة. إذا كان هذا هو حالك، فنحن نريد أن نضع حدًا لذلك ونساعدك على أن تصبح […]

لماذا يتعين علي أن أدفع قبل أن أرى Photologo الخاص بي؟

We’ve been fortunate enough to design bespoke Photologos for photographers all around the world. Being able to add that extra stamp of personality and professionalism to your portfolio inspires us to do the work that we do. And whilst the feedback we receive is positive, a common question we’re asked by potential customers is “why […]

10 مواقع خارج المسار المطروق في أوروبا لرحلة التصوير الفوتوغرافي المثالية

Have you been thinking about taking few days off, but at the same time have no idea where to go? Are you seeking for more than just typical mainstream landmarks you’ve probably seen millions of times? Is your inner-photographer voice telling you to go a bit off-the-beaten-path? As famous photographer Jim Richardson said, “If you […]

العلامات المائية تمتص نوعا ما

This isn’t clickbait, nor are your eyes playing tricks on you. Watermarks really do kinda suck! It’s a great moment when photographers feel they’re ready to share their work with the world. One of the first things they consider is how they can protect it and let people know it belongs to them. The most […]

كيفية تطبيق Photologo الخاص بك في Photopolish

So you have received your brand new Photologo and you can’t wait to start signing your photos, but watermarking is complicated and time-consuming? Then Photopolish is the perfect tool to help you streamline your process and get more done in much less time. In this quick tutorial, I will show you the easiest way to […]

كيفية تطبيق Photologo الخاص بك في Lightroom

So your brand new Photologo has been delivered to your email box and you can’t wait to start signing your precious photographs, but you’re not sure where to begin? If you are used to editing your images in Lightroom, but watermarking is not your forte, I put together an easy tutorial where you will learn […]
