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5 استخدامات لتصميم Photologo

With everyone having access to a more than adequate camera via their cell phone, the world of photography has been booming over the last few years. What’s a great way to separate yourself from a sea of other picture takers who are rely too heavily on filters and not enough on finding the story within […]

5 أسباب لماذا يجب عليك وضع علامة مائية على صورك

I bet that you can take a great photo. How do I know? Because it’s unlikely that you’d go down an internet rabbit hole and find yourself on the Photologo website unless you were serious about capturing beautiful moments with your camera. You have an eye that can create magic from an ordinary landscape. You […]

أين أضع العلامة المائية الخاصة بي

The picture has been taken, the edits have been made, and you’re feeling pretty confident with how you captured the image you saw in your head. But there’s one problem: you don’t know where to put your watermark. Your photographer’s eye may be trained in the rule of thirds and how to create the right […]

ماذا يحدث عندما يحدث خطأ في التسوق بسعر مخفض: إصدار العلامة المائية

It’s an amazing time to be alive as a consumer. With the internet giving people access to just about any product or service provider out there, you have an excellent chance to get what you need for less than you anticipated. When the competition is vast and there’s plenty of people that are willing to […]

أنت تحصل على ما تدفع مقابله: لماذا العلامات المائية ليست رخيصة (من حيث القيمة أو المظهر)

In a perfect world, the price of an object or a service would correlate precisely with the amount of value that it brings to its customer. Since the world isn’t exactly perfect, that isn’t always the case. There are some things that you pay relative pennies for that you enjoy using for years and years. […]

طابع ضوئي

Meet the cool little tool that will bring your Photologo to life. People are always searching for the latest and greatest ways to stand out in the world of photography. Sometimes it’s a new filter. Sometimes it’s a new technique. Sometimes it’s a new camera or gadget. Although innovation and finding new approaches to taking and sharing […]

الطائرات بدون طيار: عصر التصوير الجوي

Photography is all about getting the right angle. For a long time, those angles were restricted to whatever you could find from where you stood. In the past, if you were standing in the street, you were restricted to standing, sitting, or laying where you were to see what angles would make your subjects stand […]

كيف حافظت العلامة المائية لميشيل كلوستر على اسمه متداولًا عندما انتشرت صوره المثيرة للجدل

There’s always something magical that catches your eye at a wedding. Any photographer worth their salt knows when and where to capture those moments, freezing them in time. The bride. The grooms face when he sees his soon-to-be wife. The reception hall. The bouquet. The blow jobs. Wait, what?! Blow jobs and weddings don’t exactly […]

استرخِ: كيفية جعل الأزواج يرتاحون ويظهرون بمظهر طبيعي أمام الكاميرا

Getting one person to look natural on camera is hard enough. Getting two people to look like themselves while being captured on film is a whole new ball game. The chemistry has to be right.They both have to be comfortable.They need to be on the same page–are we looking at the camera or not, people? […]

تصوير الكرة البلورية

Some photography trends will come and go, but for however long they are popular, it’s important that you stay on top of what’s cutting edge in the world of photography. One such trend that has come into focus (photography puns are fun, aren’t they?) is the use of a crystal ball to bring out vibrant […]